Monday, February 27, 2012

Pepakura Weekend!

Yukkuri shite ne!
Have you ever wanted to have a figure but you can't because of the financial problems. Don't worry, you can make a  pepakura (paper craft). Basically pepakura is made from a hard paper (usually 230gsm) that later will be formed into a model.

Last weekend, I have made a Black★Rock Shooter pepakura (the pepakura template and instructions can be downloaded here)
Basic items that you'll need for doing any pepakura:
  • Digital Paper of thickness of 230 gsm
  • Craft Knife
  • Cutting Mat
  • PVA / white glue

Here are my experiences making the B★RS pepakura
I started with cutting out all the pieces that i have been printed on the paper
IMAG0323Then i started making its head, the hair is not completely done yet at that time. I posted this picture to my Facebook, then a friend of mine told me that that head looks like a yukkuri, then  I've got a sudden urge to make a yukkuri (in other words, I lost my focus for a while and taking it too easy).



Then I continue making the body first and then the cape. The body compartment is so small, it takes me 2 hours to make the body and the cape itself. But the results are satisfying.

After few more hours, I finished making the legs, the arms and the hips and then I attached all finished parts into a body. There you go, a Black★Rock Shooter pepakura! Although the body is finished, I didn’t have much time to make the weapons because I have spent too much time for this pepakura.

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Cute isn’t it? You can find and try other pepakura at this website Paperkraft. This is a great way to kill your time at weekend. Give it a try! Thanks for reading and see you soon!

In the tears of heaven the little bird flies.

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