#5 Financial District (From C: The Money of Soul and Possibility Control)
Details: (Taken from C Wikia) The Financial District appears to be a huge district that consist of white building with red colored road and sky. There's huge road above the white building that use for connection to the portal of the real world. the portal itself has a gate that looked like iron maiden. At the center of it, there's a huge coin surrounded by small coins that display money in the district. Below the coin, there's a big hall that display data of stocks holding of Entre. There's a lot of mirror that use as TV for watching deals and lots of frame floating.
In the modern world where money is your future, you have to battle in the financial district to determine your future. This is the place where your assets battle, invest, gaining and bankrupt. The scenery is quite beautiful where the building are monochrome and the sky are red. I never thought a nation economy can be visualized in such way. The battle that occurs here determines your future in the real world, if you are bankrupt here that means your future are destroyed. Oh, by the way, MYSU is cute!
#4 Roppongi, Tokyo after The Lost Christmas (2029 and beyond) (From Guilty Crown)
Details: Roppongi, Tokyo is the place where the first Apocalypse Outbreak that causes the Lost Christmas event on 24 December 2029. After the event, the Japan government asked for help from UN for GHQ support. Later, the GHQ military and Antibodies are seen everywhere. The community lived in fear of Apocalypse Virus and the Undertaker group. The advanced technology can be seen everywhere including the building design, communication devices and the transportation not to forget also their military equipment.
#3 Clow Country (From Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle)
Details: (Adapted from Tsubasa Wiki) The Clow Country, also known as Clow Kingdom is located on a great desert, ruled by King Tôya, who took the place of his father. The citizens are very friendly and warm-hearted people, willing to help anyone. The royalty is quite kind and generous to their nation. The nation takes pride in many historic landmarks, as well as a great history that's being unraveled by some talented archeologists.
Imagine this; in the middle of the desert with astonishing geological structure and ruins, there is a kingdom on the horizon where the magic and the citizens are combined and you could travel to another world. There is beauty everywhere in this country. You could go to the desert garden, discover the mystery of the ancient ruins, live in peace and harmony and enjoy the beauty of the scenery. Thanks to CLAMP, you have created the heaven for me. The heat of desert? I DON'T CARE!
#2 The Afterlife School (From Angel Beats!)
Details: (Taken from Angel Beats! Wikia) The majority of the series takes place within the academy. It is roughly around four stories tall. The academy is made up of classrooms, a computer lab, a cafeteria, a school garden, a gymnasium, a laundromat room, and dormitories. On the top floor is the school principal's office. Outside on school grounds is a sports field which is made up of a soccerfield, a track, a long-jump pit, and a baseball field. Directly underneath the building, a large underground cavern which resembles an old mining cave stretches across the area and leads to underground caves far below the surface. There is also a large underground garden used by Kanade Tachibana to grow radishes and other vegetables. The school is surrounded by forests and mountains, which stretch onto the horizon. It hasn't been identified how far they go, or if anything goes beyond that. In one direction, a large river runs by, where SSS members sometimes fish to obtain food.
I'm not amused about how is the place itself, but instead the law is unique; you can't die (but still you can experience pain), you can be anybody that you like (i.e. guitarist, ninja), you can develop weapons of mass destruction from dirt and design the weapon through Angel Player CAD software. I can make a living here and enjoy with friends, SSS group, other NPC, and finally clear up all the regret that I had in my life (so far, i regret nothing). But first thing first, i want that Angel Player software and create a badass weapon. Hell yeah!!
#1 Gensokyo (From Touhou Project)
And finally, the number one place that I want to go in anime world is.... Gensokyo! Weeee!!
Details: (Taken from Touhou Wikia) Gensokyo was originally a desolate, haunted region of Japan ages ago. The youkai that lived there began to terrorize the surrounding lands, and thus powerful, heroic humans were sent to exorcise and exterminate them. The off and on battle between humans and youkai continued on until 1884 A.D., when Gensokyo was sealed off from this increasingly scientific and skeptical world with the creation of the Hakurei Border. Gensokyo is populated mainly by youkai, but a decent human and rabbit population lives there as well. Some of its inhabitants went there to hide, to escape, to find shelter when no one and nowhere else would accept them. Many of them just like the natural darkness.
Why I wanted to live here?
- Female is more than male (or there is no male in here? I not sure because all Touhou main character is female. How do they reproduce? errrr...)
- All the Touhou character is young looking (not according to age) and cute!
- I love magic powers, the youkais (especially, the ice fairy), and the classic Japanese culture
- The scenery and greenery of the place is so calming.
- If you don't like the weather, just ask Reimu or you can refer to other youkai.
- Because Sakuya is wearing pa- *knifed*
That concludes the top 5 places that i want to go in anime world. Any suggestions or opinions? Just comment in the comment box below. See you soon!
I wanna be in Vampire knight so I can get close to Kaname..LOL...