Thursday, March 31, 2011

Japan Earthquake

Two weeks ago, Toukohu, Japan was been struck by a tsunami and an offshore earthquake caused by a 9.0 magnitude undersea megathrust earthquake. The earthquake triggered an extremely destructive tsunami waves. The Japanese National Police Agency has officially confirmed 11362 deaths, 2872 injured and 16290 missing so far. The disaster costs over 125000 buildings damaged, severe structural damage to roads, railway as well as fires in many area. To worsen it, the nuclear electricity generator, Fukushima Daichi has also had been damaged due to the earthquake and the radioactive substances is leaked to the area near the power stations.

Even though it is a little bit late,but lets pray for Japan for safety.
More info on the earthquake and tsunami, donation and recent news (and to search for missing people too..) please visit:

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