m(_ _)m ゴメンナサイ GOMEN NASAI~! (SORRY!!)
And recently I am registering for my Bachelor in Engineering (Bio-medical) at UTM full-course for 4 years and placed at Kolej Perdana (the most luxurious hostel in UTM O(≧∇≦)O!! ) probably for this year only. So, the important part of why i'm telling you that where is my hostel is because.... THIS HOSTEL GOT FREE HI-SPEED INTERNET CONNECTION!!! YAY!!! (sry.. too excited LOL). In conjunction with that, i've been happily downloading so many anime that my internal hard disk was full with anime..
( ̄▽ ̄)ノ yeahh....
But, still, my anime watching schedule is going on as usual and I want to conclude 5 (out of some) of the anime that i've watched for the whole summer (really? Malaysia doesn't have summer-lah..)
The most funny anime in 2011!!! This anime is totally worth to watch. The storyline is very simple (since the title is very simple too) but please if you expect this anime will be so boring, you fail wrong. This is far beyond your daily life. You might be surprised at the first episode when Aioi Yuuko says "Mio, Selamat Pagi!!" (and her mom plays Sepak Takraw). And there is a cute 9-years-old professor who made a robot, talking cat. When I mentioned earlier that this anime is funny, i really mean it. The comedy was intense that'll make you not to dry your gums (tak kering gusi).
Best storyline ever watched, not so complex (except for some scientific appendices used), and unique character design. This anime is actually an adaptation of their previous game for XBOX360. Nevertheless, the concept of time travelling is presented in a very serious manner (that might make some of the viewers thinks it is logic to happen) and some information used is taken from the real world like SERN (actually, CERN), John Titor, IBN 5100, Large Hadron Collider and so on. Tuturuu~~!
RIN IS SOO CUTE!!!! (ehem...) I've never watched family-themed anime before and this is the first time I watched it. The story started with death (no, not that blood-mess-death. Just a simple funeral). This anime teaches us about the importance of knowing how to be a proper parents. Now, go and hug your daddy...
Sacred Seven
No no no no... This isn't Megaman.. I was attracted by the appearance of the main character , Arma Tandoji in his Sacred Seven form (the muffler is soooooooo cool!!! and he's tall too) and the Maid squad. (maid-moeness overload!!). I don't really understand why people hating this series (ok, the story line might get a little bit stereotypical but I really don't mind that). And also, there is a lot of rocks, jewel and monsters. Seriously, I like the design of the Sacred Seven form.
No no no no... This isn't Megaman.. I was attracted by the appearance of the main character , Arma Tandoji in his Sacred Seven form (the muffler is soooooooo cool!!! and he's tall too) and the Maid squad. (maid-moeness overload!!). I don't really understand why people hating this series (ok, the story line might get a little bit stereotypical but I really don't mind that). And also, there is a lot of rocks, jewel and monsters. Seriously, I like the design of the Sacred Seven form.
Many of them misunderstood that this anime is a yaoi (boys-love) anime. WRONG!!! its about deep friendship. (but anyway, i don't think a kiss is necessary). Y'know, before this anime is produced, there is a novel for this anime and the novel plotting is so much better than its anime (i heard there is also BM translation for the novel). Forget about that, the concept of the ultra-modern utopia of the No.6 is impressive (still, I don't want to live there if is it real)
Please leave any comment and share your thought with us!
That's it for now, until then, mada ashita and astalavista bebeh.
*credit for MyAnimeList for hosting the pic and the review is purely written by me.
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