m(_ _)m ゴメンナサイ GOMEN NASAI~! (SORRY!!)
And recently I am registering for my Bachelor in Engineering (Bio-medical) at UTM full-course for 4 years and placed at Kolej Perdana (the most luxurious hostel in UTM O(≧∇≦)O!! ) probably for this year only. So, the important part of why i'm telling you that where is my hostel is because.... THIS HOSTEL GOT FREE HI-SPEED INTERNET CONNECTION!!! YAY!!! (sry.. too excited LOL). In conjunction with that, i've been happily downloading so many anime that my internal hard disk was full with anime..
( ̄▽ ̄)ノ yeahh....
But, still, my anime watching schedule is going on as usual and I want to conclude 5 (out of some) of the anime that i've watched for the whole summer (really? Malaysia doesn't have summer-lah..)